Hello good people. It’s such a great moment to share my ‘progress report’ on this platform with you. I promise you it’s going to be worth the read…


My journey on WordPress began over 4 years ago, April 2015 to be precise. At the time, the thought of blogging never came to mind. Far from it! Truth is, I didn’t know the first thing about blogging then. My decision to be a part of this space was for the sake of honing my writing skills.

By the way, I can’t remember ever mentioning, on this platform, that I studied English. Yes, I did. And from UNILAG too. Now, if you are a student/graduate of English, you’ll understand how tough it is to leave up to people’s expectations of you as ‘an English expert’. Folks expect that your spoken and written English are almost perfect.

Luckily for me, I could/can hold my own as far as the spoken aspect was concerned. However, when it came to the written, especially creative angle, I was a tedious work in progress. Now, don’t think too far… I wasn’t a bad writer. In fact, as far as academic/formal writing was concerned, I always did a fine job of it. (I recall one of my lecturers marking my script in my presence and telling me that I write so well). However, once it was time to put down a random thought/idea, short story, or anything without an intellectual tone to it, I suddenly lose my thinking cap and become pen-shy. It was that bad.

Meanwhile, I had always wanted to build a career in professions where versatility in writing is key – editing, content/copy writing… Seeing that my rigid and selective attitude to writing would hinder me from fulfilling this desire, I chose to challenge my limitations and take practical steps to get rid of them. One of those steps was setting up a WordPress account.

The idea was to have an e-Intellectual-Dumping-Ground where I could dump all the imaginative baggage my mind churned out. I felt I needed to have a serious platform that I could commit to. The idea of having a blog where I could call mine inspired me to task my mind and squeeze out logical and coherent ideas out of it. At the time, I was really not particular about the dynamics of of WordPress blogging.

My very first post on this app was a flash fiction titled Of Costly Assumptions and Regrets published on the 11th of May 2015. Now that I think of it, it happens to be my first successful effort at creative writing. Although I had written random pieces now and then, I didn’t consider them worthy of public consumption. I recall how accomplished I felt after fine-tuning the story and publishing it. It was such a pleasure to know I could give coherent expression to my imagination.

However, ever since my first post, my progress on the platform had been fitful. I’ll put up a post today and won’t post another for weeks. Sometimes, the interval lasted for months. And sure, I had bundle of excuses for the inconsistencies. For instance, I could tell you that the demands of my job in the crazy city of Lagos made consistent critical/creative thinking/writing an uphill task. I could also tell you that my workload as a post graduate student didn’t give me the room to build my blog’s portfolio. What’s more, I could even tell you that life happened, things went south and I couldn’t care less for some inconsequential WordPress post. But the truth I won’t tell you is that I just lacked the willpower and determination to stay the course no matter the odds.

Anyway, I didn’t start taking the platform seriously until some two months ago. You heard that right – two months! As at then, I didn’t have more than 20 following to my name in all of my five-year existence on this space. Also, I didn’t know Jack about WordPress optimization. All I could do was copy and paste content to my page, use the basic editing tools and upload images.

So why did I decide to revive the blog?

✍️For one, I needed to tackle that bane of inconsistency. I tend to start a thing/project on the spur of the moment and allow it die a needles death for convenient excuses. For a start, I decided to make this a pet project which I’ll keep nurturing till it blossoms.

✍️Remember what I said about working on my creative writing skills? Yes, I had been working on that all along but still needed to improve on it, especially as it relates to writing for SEO. Since WordPress provides the basic platform to apply SEO skills, I decided to avail myself of the opportunity and use it to optimum.

✍️However, more importantly, I wanted to bless lives with my writings. I didn’t want to be selfish with my knowledge and ideas. You see, nothing gives me joy than when I see people nourished through the things I write. So I said to myself: Why not take advantage of this blog to reach a wider audience?


I didn’t just pray and wish that a miracle happens to make the blog grow. Much more, I took practical steps:

🎯I went on YouTube and had a crash course on how to maximize WordPress.

🎯 I sought out those who already had a sound knowledge of the app’s dynamics and took counsel from them.

🎯Without delay, I began to practicalise the knowledge: Got myself acquainted with the backend tools, page settings, image/text/font optimization…and began to apply them on my posts.

🎯Nothing works magic like rich contents. I came to understand that the success or failure of a post is dependent on the quality of its content, regardless of the optimization. So while I ensured I put out rich contents and didn’t lower the standard of my writings while at it, I also ensured I put it out in a reader-friendly manner.

🎯People make the world/word go round. Hence, I began to consciously and consistently build my following, one individual at a time.


I was able to achieve, in barely two months, more than I did in over four years:

📌My post The Believer; His Health; and Commonsense, published on the 26th of May (less than two months ago) happens to be the post with the highest number of engagements in all of my four years here.

📌I have come to master virtually all the readily available tools on this app and use them to optimize my posts.

📌In my quest to connect with fellow bloggers, I’ve come to meet profound writers (who are huge sources of inspiration) among whom are Patience and Dawn. God bless their wonderful hearts.

🔥Now to the inspiration behind this post: In barely two months of unrelenting devotion to this blog, I’ve made 500 amazing WordPress followers! That’s a multiple folds of the followers I’ve made over 4 years!


While this may not call for celebration, especially for bloggers who have followings in their thousands (whether via organic means or not), it means a lot to me. I choose to celebrate this moment and reckon with it as a milestone. I see it as a testament of determination, doggedness and consistency. It’s a proof of the fact that a ‘short’ but steadfast period of diligence and consistent effort can turn things around. The process may be tough (and it sure is) but it’s worth the effort.

So on this occasion of my 500th WordPress Followings, I’ll like to deeply appreciate every single individual who, in their magnanimity, followed my blog. When I see 500 followers, I don’t see mere self-serving social-media statistics but 500 awesome personalities.

I thank you all for every single like, comment, reblog, share and mention. Meanwhile, I promise to always make your following worth the while; to never lower my standards and never stop writing consistently.

God bless you real good!


87 thoughts on “MY JOURNEY ON WORDPRESS 🚶‍♂️🚴‍♂️🚐🚄✈️

  1. Congratulations! I’m happy to have discovered tour blog. You write so well. Living in a non-english speaking country for years has affected my English language blogging has really helped me a lot even though I’m still a work in progress. Congratulations once again! Waiting for the 1000th testimony soon 🤗😁

    Liked by 3 people

    1. 🤣🤣The 1000th testimony wouldn’t take too long. As for writing well, I don’t think I have choice. I’m trying to ensure that my parents’ tuition fee counts for something. Meanwhile, we are all a work in progress. I’m still aiming higher as well. And true, consistent blogging is a good way to get better in writing. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to read through and dropping the good words.


  2. What a wonderful story of perseverance, Ayansola! Congratulations on ur well deserved success, and I have to think ur just getting going 🙂

    My fav lines were,
    “The idea was to have an e-Intellectual-Dumping-Ground where I could dump all the imaginative baggage my mind churned out…The idea of having a blog where I could call mine inspired me to task my mind and squeeze out logical and coherent ideas out of it. At the time, I was really not particular about the dynamics of of WordPress blogging.”

    You know, sometimes that’s still a good way to wake up and start a new post. There’s so much to learn re the dynamics, and I worried each time I posted about getting it “all” correct, ugh, I’d still be stalled out, lol!

    All the best for you, Ayansola! 😊

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Wow! What a feedback! Thanks a lot for good words. I really appreciate you for taking the time to read through the content and putting in a rich comment. This inspires me to put more effort into it. And true, sometimes, we shouldn’t let the ‘technical know-how’ hold us back from expressing ourselves. There’s need for flexibility. Thanks again.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats brother on this beautiful milestone and thank you for reminding us that we must be consistent and be responsible with the tasks at hand. A big shout out to my sister Dawn, whom you have mentioned. 🎉🎉

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I enjoyed reading through, could totally relate . I studied English too and everyone expects me to be churning out big vocabs .. Please ..please I just laugh most times. I like simple English not a big words person .
    Congratulations on your 500 followings .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad I have a ‘partner in experience’. So much for undue expectations. Thanks a lot for visiting my post and commenting. I just went through your blog and I’m intrigued by the titles. I’ll be reading through and looking out for more.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot! Trust me, I see you doing much more. I’m grateful. Meanwhile, I think the inability to follow probably has to do with some glitch in the network. I’ll confirm at my end though. Kindly try again soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. This is a huge accomplished and one you should be extremely proud of! I’m inspired by your writing style and I find that your work resonates deeply with myself & others. Well done and cheers to this new chapter in your blogging journey 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your comment is really heartwarming. It gives me joy to know you can connect with my writings. I’m inspired to put more effort into it. Meanwhile, your blog/posts has been a source of constant inspiration to me too and I look forward to more and better from you. Thanks always.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I really enjoyed this blog post. I can relate so much with it. Initially when I started my blog, I wanted it be platform where I can share my poetry strictly. I already had another blog where I shared my faith so I didn’t want that to be the focus. I wanted this space to be more about lifestyle and poetry but it didn’t turn out that way. If there’s anything I’ve learned throughout the course of this journey is that you cannot take Christ out of the equation. In as much as I tried to only share things pertaining to lifestyle and poetry, I found myself sharing my faith more. I wasn’t consistent when I started this blog in March of 2015. I posted from time to time but it wasn’t until 2017 that I started posting more. My word for 2018 was Consistency. Looking back, in every sector of my life, I can say with joy that I was consistent. Being on WordPress has taught me a lot. I’m grateful for people like you who share your knowledge with us. Thank you. Write A Book!


    1. Awwwn! Karen ‘killed’ it. You should have seen me grinning as I read your comment. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience/journey on WordPress with me! Feedbacks like yours embodens one to do more. Interestingly, your experience is so relatable. When it comes to writing, I’ve always been more inclined towards faith-based writings (whether fictional or articles). At some point, I began to try do a little of everything. I wanted to do less of spiritual writing. But alas, I keep finding myself coming back to talking about my faith. I guess that’s who I am. Whatever I write must speak well of Christ.

      I’m glad you made consistency your watchword and you achieved (and are achieving) it. I’ll like to be better in that area – so help me God! Meanwhile, I’m grateful for the gift of you 😉❤️🙏 It’s interesting how much we can impact others from the corners of our rooms, anywhere in the world. Never relent on being a blessing!

      As for writing a book 🤔, hmm. I really desire to. A good number of times, I’ve set out to write one but just end up leaving it hanging. Maybe it’s just me not putting my mind to it, maybe I just lack the motivation to see it through… Maybe Karen just gave me a wake up call. I’ll work on it.

      P.S. You share the name of Karen with one of my professors. Her name is Karen King.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You can write oo. Please just pray and write the book. Your desires can come to pass. Maybe you can sign up for Fiverr. It’s a platform that people write for others and get paid. I’ve seen a few people from Nigeria actually on that platform who are doing well on there. You create your own budget. I actually signed up but I need to just finish the requirements.

        When it comes to consistency, what has helped me a lot is writing down my goals in a planner. I just started using a planner this year. I’m more of the one who remembers to do things but some times writing things down makes a difference. I write my goals, pray about it and do my best to execute it. At the beginning of every week, I evaluate myself on what I was able to do and wasn’t able to do. It has helped me a lot. If I don’t focus, no one will do that for me. You have to do things, in a manner like your life depends on it. Our gifts are for God’s Glory 🙏🏿. If we sit on our gifts, we will hinder others from enjoying the benefits lol.


        1. Karen, you can also respond oo😒. Smiles. I guess I have nowhere to hide now that you are on my case over the book matter. Actually, I have a manuscript (almost 70% completed) that I abandoned. Something on “The believer and his relationship” (a tentative title though). I’ll get back to it and finish up asap.

          Yes, I know of the Fiverr gig. I actually have the app on my phone but still trying to get the basic knowledge of its dynamics before I start using it. I’ll get help in that direction though.

          Your words about consistency are golden. There is a lot to glean from it. I’ve been more of the spontaneous fellow when it comes to taking action. Funny enough, just like you, when I write things down, I tend to commit to it more. I’ll begin to take more conscious steps at executing tasks.

          I can’t thank you enough for your sweet counsels and urgings. Thanks for being a blessing. By the way, my name Ibukun is the Yoruba version of the name Blessing.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Lol yes I can respond indeed. I won’t lie about that at all. Thank you for your feedback and insights. The way you write though is phenomenal. The way you put your words together is 👌🏿. Looking forward to your next post.

            So do you go by Blessing or Ibukun?


    1. Thank you so much for digging into my posts, Temi. I really appreciate the kind gesture. I’ll be on the lookout for the rich contents that come from your platform.

      Meanwhile, I’ll do another comment in order to share my 2 cents.

      Liked by 1 person

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