Hello Good People!!! How’ve you been?!

Yea, I know. I know it’s been such a long time since you read something from me. I say to myself “You have been inactive on here for too long. You ought to get your act together and get back to ‘writing ways’. Then one thing leads to another and I get carried away by the waves of life’s drama. The writer in me was truly willing. My hand just couldn’t cooperate with my mind to dish out those good stuff you know me for.

So, what now? Is my mind now in sync with my hand? I think so. Does this mean you’ll get to read more from me and consistently so? Absolutely.

Therefore, I, Ayansola Ibukun, first of his name, do solemnly promise that I won’t shirk my writing responsibilities going forward. I’ll ensure I put out worthwhile posts regularly and engage yours while at it. So help me God!

You hear people say, “out of sight is out of mind“. I think it’s not always true. People who care enough about you don’t bid you good riddance at the slightest provocation.

I must say I’m blessed to have really amazing friends here. I speak of people who have refused to give up on me but have kept looking out for me and reaching out to me in the course of my circumstantial exile from WordPress. It feels good to be remembered. I do not take you or your thoughtfulness for granted. Much love!

Meanwhile, it would have been understandable had I lost a good number of subscribers to my blog due to my inconsistency. I’m however surprised to see that the number increased remarkably. So to my new friends here, I say gracias and welcome. It promises to be a series of pleasant exchanges.

Okay. Let’s get down to business…

So I was thinking of what to write for my first post in a long time. (sometimes I overthink things). Rather than write something thought-provoking, I decided on something lighthearted. We’ll have all the time to explore profound ideas.

In the meantime, here is what I’m going to do: I’m just going expose myself a bit and let you into some ‘interesting’ aspects of me that you don’t know about. It’s not your regular FAQs. Call it fun and weird facts if you will. You should find them interesting.

πŸ–‹ Folks tell me I give to a fault. While I may not be stingy with money and all, my pens are sacred and I’m selfish with them πŸ™ˆ. If I happen to borrow you one, I ensure I get it back. πŸ–‹

🎢 I have a weird/wide taste in music, from different ages/genre. You need only to check out my playlist to confirm that. If it’s good music, it goes for me. Meanwhile, you are likely to catch me listening to oldies more than contemporaries. 🎢

πŸ“™ One of the best gifts you can give me is (good) books. I value books a lot! I mean hardcopies. The feel, smell of it and the pride of ownership. Soft copies aren’t my deal. I think of myself as a bibliophile. πŸ“™

πŸ‘š I can do all chores (I mean all) but not laundry. Interestingly, if I have to do it the traditional way, I get to do it myself because I don’t like others doing it for me. Strange? πŸ‘š

Ratnendra Parmar

I’m still very much an awkward hugger 😁. I remember been told by a course mate to learn to be hugged. Very embarrassing moment. But i’ll cut myself some slack as mine isn’t the hugging family. I’m getting better at it though.

Are you the type that feel excited when you are around ‘pleasantly naughty/knotty’ folks? We share a thing in common then.

😎I’m attracted to troublesome folks with positive vibes- folks who don’t give in easily. There is hardly a boring moment with them. 😎

πŸ§“ I’m an old soul trapped in a young body. Yea. My thought process, worldview, manner of behaviour and social conditioning are hardly in tune with that of most millennias. πŸ§“

🧾I’m a balanced bilingual. I thrive in both my mother tongue (YorΓΉbΓ‘) and my second language (English). Aren’t I blessed? 🧾

β˜” I like (the idea of) rain only when I’m indoors when it falls and do not have to step out in it. I hate getting wet, not even slightly. It gives me catarrh. Meanwhile, I love the earthy smell that comes with the rain, especially after a long intermission. β˜”

πŸ•Ί I can’t dance to save my life and that’s that about that. Please don’t leak this secret. πŸ•Ί

➿ The texture of my voice is auto tuned. I’m used to people (especially new acquaintance) telling me I have a feminine voice, especially over the phone. It often bothers me. Sometimes, I wish it could be a little deep. ➿

🍲 I don’t think I can eat without engaging in another activity at the same time. I’m either reading or seeing a movie while at it. Actually, I’m eating as I type this post πŸ˜‚

πŸ‰ Watermelon is my recent addiction in fruit. To think I used to detest it back in the day… πŸ‰

Okay. I think I’ve given you enough info about me to last you for a while. To the revealing of wild weird facts there is no end. We’ll take it up from here soon enough.

Meanwhile, I’ll love to know some random facts about you in the comment section. What about you is strange/weird?

Thank you for your long-suffering with my erratic aspect.

It’s good to be back!

Β© Ibukun


  1. It’s good to have you back. We have just been patiently waiting for you to share your oldies wisdom with us. It’s exciting to know we have some things in come. The love for oldies song yeah, my mates find it weird but it’s cool. You are a nice person and welcome back.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words. I’m humbled by them.
      Wait no more. I’m back to serving pretty good stuff.
      I’m glad we are in the same shoes with the oldies. Truth is those folks truly understood music. And they have depth too.
      How’ve you been?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, it’s so good to have you back here. Welcome back πŸ₯. I enjoyed reading your random facts. I know you love books πŸ“š. I love the smell of rain but it’s more enjoying when I’m inside. Something random of me, I love people but they are a lot of work. Sometimes, I wonder how God deals with us πŸ˜‚. I love fruits but pineapples are so yummy to me. Watermelons are good too but I love the sweet ones that makes you smile. I love reading but I prefer soft covers depending on the book. Thank you for sharing some fun facts about yourself Mr.Ayansola πŸ€—


    1. 😁 I hope I have done you proud by showing up again. Hehehe Indeed, God is long-suffering towards us. People are huge works. I love pineapples too. They aren’t just a little scarce and expensive over here. As for books, nothing trumps hard copies for me.
      It’s good to be back. Thank you for being there, always.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yay!.
    Welcome back, Blessing. πŸ€—
    I share same sentiment on eating. It’s like I have to compliment the time with something else to make it more productive. πŸ˜πŸ™ˆ
    You should come take hug lessons. πŸ˜‚πŸƒ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mercy of God! Thank you! People like you have been doing a great job of holding the fort. I wish to be like you someday.

      How dare you share the eating ish with me?! 😎 Here am I thinking it’s my exclusive preserve. Meanwhile, take hug lessons from you? 😏 As though you excel at it 🚢

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Smiles. Blessing of God. 😁
        Haha. We are still learning to, by His grace. πŸ™ŒπŸ˜

        Lol! Sorry for spoiling thy show. πŸ˜‹
        Yes please. You so want to enrol in the hug school before the next batch of intakes. πŸ˜‚


  4. Hahaha! Interesting facts! I’m all giggling. Now that I know that you can’t dance to save your life πŸ˜€πŸ˜€, I’m a little bothered. I love your courage, and the pledge to stick around. I’ve been away too working on a project. I’m only happy to open my WP today and to see your post.


    1. πŸ˜‚I pray this little secret won’t be used against me someday. Some things don’t just agree with our makeup.

      I was going to check on you. I noticed I haven’t seen something from you in a while either. I’m glad to know that your ‘absence’ is for the best. I trust the project is going smoothly. I pray speed and ease.

      Looking forward to having you back!


  5. πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ It’s good to have you back! It really is. And what a return, Ayansola! Random thing about me, I sometimes think my life is a musical and break out into song given it fits the situation. Used to make them up too but I think I’m growing out of that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😁 You are full of metaphors, Pini. Meanwhile, I think I used to be you a while ago. But then, what’s life without the sounds of music?

      Thank you for taking the time to read. I trust you are doing great.


  6. Am glad to have you back
    Ive also been patiently waiting for your return so that we may bask on your wisdom.

    Those who know me they say I have a hug too. I squeeze all my peeps in such that some will tell me it hurts sometimes🀣🀣🀣

    For me it was a revelation I got in prayer. I was in prayer for women because they are going a lot in their lives and sometimes I dont even k ow what to do or say and the spirit of the Lord revealed to me to give them a HUG. He said a your hug will make them feel My presence.
    I’ve always been a huggies even before the revelation but from then on …my high felt different. I could also feel somethkng is different with my hugs. That’s when most of them will come back to me and tell me how special they feel after every hug I give them.

    The sad part now is covid..I’m unable to hug my peeps the best way j know how. πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”


    1. Hi Shazzy! So good to hear from you again. And thank you for taking the time to read through.

      😁I wish mine could come close to yours. Some things we are just awkward about… I’m getting better at it though. And true, there is something about a warm and genuine hug. So soothing. We should have a hug for everyone who mean something to us, now and again.

      I trust you’re doing great.


  7. Ohh wow pardon my errors…I just hope you understand. I was typing too fast I did not even read🀣🀣🀣

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